Source code for semilattices._iterables

# This file is part of semilattices.
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# semilattices
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 
# Massachusetts Institute of Technology                    The University of Texas at Austin
# Uncertainty Quantification group                and      Center for Computational Geosciences and Optimization
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics               The Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
# Authors: Daniele Bigoni and Joshua Chen
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from itertools import chain, combinations
from queue import Queue, LifoQueue

__all__ = [




[docs]class SemilatticeIterable( object ): r""" Base class defining an iterable for the semilattice. Args: graph (:class:`Semilattice`): semilattice to iterate through QueueConstructor: queue constructor to be used within the iterator. This will define whether iteration is breadth or depth first. See :class:`BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable` and :class:`DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable` for more details. start_vertex (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__(self, graph, QueueConstructor, start_vertex=None, iter_attribute='children'): self._graph = graph self._start_vertex = start_vertex if start_vertex is not None else self._graph.root self._QueueConstructor = QueueConstructor self._iter_attribute = iter_attribute @property def start_vertex(self): r""" Starting vertex :type: :class:`SemilatticeVertex` """ return self._start_vertex def __iter__(self): return SemilatticeIterator( self._graph, self._QueueConstructor, self._start_vertex, self._iter_attribute)
class SemilatticeIterator( object ): def __init__(self, graph, QueueConstructor, start_vertex = None, iter_attribute='children'): self._graph = graph self._start_vertex = start_vertex if start_vertex is not None else self._graph.root self._QueueConstructor = QueueConstructor self._iter_attribute = iter_attribute self._iter_queue = self._QueueConstructor() self._iter_queue.put(self._start_vertex) self._touched_vertices = set() self._touched_vertices.add(self._start_vertex) def next(self): if self._iter_queue.empty(): raise StopIteration else: v = self._iter_queue.get() if v is None: # Empty semilattice (start_vertex is None) raise StopIteration for other_v in getattr(v, self._iter_attribute).values(): if other_v not in self._touched_vertices: self._iter_queue.put(other_v) self._touched_vertices.add(other_v) return v def __next__(self): return
[docs]class BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable( SemilatticeIterable ): r""" Breadth first iterable for the semilattice. Args: graph (:class:`Semilattice`): semilattice to iterate through start_vertex (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__(self, graph, start_vertex = None, iter_attribute = 'children'): super(BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__(graph, Queue, start_vertex, iter_attribute)
[docs]class DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable( SemilatticeIterable ): r""" Depth first iterable for the semilattice. Args: graph (:class:`Semilattice`): semilattice to iterate through start_vertex (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__(self, graph, start_vertex = None, iter_attribute = 'children'): super(DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__(graph, LifoQueue, start_vertex, iter_attribute)
[docs]class CoupledSemilatticeIterable( object ): r""" Base class defining an iterable for two semilattices at the same time. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining breadth/depth first iterators over the union/intersection of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through QueueConstructor: queue constructor to be used within the iterator. This will define whether iteration is breadth or depth first. See :class:`BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable` and :class:`DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable` for more details. start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): self._graph1 = graph1 self._graph2 = graph2 self._QueueConstructor = QueueConstructor self._start_vertex1 = start_vertex1 if start_vertex1 else self._graph1.root self._start_vertex2 = start_vertex2 if start_vertex2 else self._graph2.root self._iter_attribute = iter_attribute self._coupled_iterator_type = None @property def start_vertex1(self): return self._start_vertex1 @property def start_vertex2(self): return self._start_vertex2 def __iter__(self): return self._coupled_iterator_type( self._graph1, self._graph2, self._QueueConstructor, self._start_vertex1, self._start_vertex2, self._iter_attribute)
class CoupledSemilatticeIterator( object ): def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): self._graph1 = graph1 self._graph2 = graph2 self._QueueConstructor = QueueConstructor self._start_vertex1 = start_vertex1 if start_vertex1 else self._graph1.root self._start_vertex2 = start_vertex2 if start_vertex2 else self._graph2.root self._iter_attribute = iter_attribute # Initializing the iterator self._iter_queue = self._QueueConstructor() self._iter_queue.put((self._start_vertex1, self._start_vertex2)) # Initializing touched vertices self._g1_touched_vertices = set() self._g1_touched_vertices.add( self._start_vertex1 ) self._g2_touched_vertices = set() self._g2_touched_vertices.add( self._start_vertex2 ) def next(self): raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclasses.") def __next__(self): return
[docs]class CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Iterable over the intersection of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining breadth/depth first iterators over the intersection of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through QueueConstructor: queue constructor to be used within the iterator. This will define whether iteration is breadth or depth first. See :class:`BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable` and :class:`DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable` for more details. start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute) self._coupled_iterator_type = CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterator
class CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterator( CoupledSemilatticeIterator ): def next(self): if self._iter_queue.empty(): raise StopIteration else: v1, v2 = self._iter_queue.get() # One of the semilattices is empty (start_vertex is None) if v1 is None or v2 is None: # One empty semilattice raise StopIteration v1_attribute = getattr(v1, self._iter_attribute) v2_attribute = getattr(v2, self._iter_attribute) k1andk2 = (k for k in v1_attribute if k in v2_attribute) for k in k1andk2: if v1_attribute[k] not in self._g1_touched_vertices: self._iter_queue.put( (v1_attribute[k], v2_attribute[k]) ) # For intersection we need to keep track only of one graph self._g1_touched_vertices.add( v1_attribute[k] ) return v1, v2
[docs]class BreadthFirstCoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Breadth first iterable over the intersection of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining breadth first iterators over the intersection of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(BreadthFirstCoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, Queue, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute)
[docs]class DepthFirstCoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Depth first iterable over the intersection of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining depth first iterators over the intersection of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(DepthFirstCoupledIntersectionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, LifoQueue, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute)
[docs]class CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Iterable over the union of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining breadth/depth first iterators over the union of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through QueueConstructor: queue constructor to be used within the iterator. This will define whether iteration is breadth or depth first. See :class:`BreadthFirstSemilatticeIterable` and :class:`DepthFirstSemilatticeIterable` for more details. start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, QueueConstructor, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute) self._coupled_iterator_type = CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterator
class CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterator( CoupledSemilatticeIterator ): def next(self): if self._iter_queue.empty(): raise StopIteration else: v1, v2 = self._iter_queue.get() if v1 is None and v2 is None: # One empty semilattice raise StopIteration if v1 is not None: v1_attribute = getattr(v1, self._iter_attribute) if v2 is not None: v2_attribute = getattr(v2, self._iter_attribute) v1keys = set() if v1 is None else set(v1_attribute) v2keys = set() if v2 is None else set(v2_attribute) for k in v1keys & v2keys: if v1_attribute[k] not in self._g1_touched_vertices: self._iter_queue.put( (v1_attribute[k], v2_attribute[k]) ) self._g1_touched_vertices.add( v1_attribute[k] ) self._g2_touched_vertices.add( v2_attribute[k] ) for k in v1keys - v2keys: if v1_attribute[k] not in self._g1_touched_vertices: self._iter_queue.put( (v1_attribute[k], None) ) self._g1_touched_vertices.add( v1_attribute[k] ) for k in v2keys - v1keys: if v2_attribute[k] not in self._g2_touched_vertices: self._iter_queue.put( (None, v2_attribute[k]) ) self._g2_touched_vertices.add( v2_attribute[k] ) return v1, v2
[docs]class BreadthFirstCoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Iterable over the union of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining breadth first iterators over the union of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(BreadthFirstCoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, Queue, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute)
[docs]class DepthFirstCoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable( CoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable ): r""" Iterable over the union of two semilattices. The intended behavior is similar to the Python function :func:`zip`, but defining depth first iterators over the union of two semilattices. Args: graph1 (:class:`Semilattice`): first semilattice to iterate through graph2 (:class:`Semilattice`): second semilattice to iterate through start_vertex1 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the first semilattice from which to start the iteration. start_vertex2 (:class:`SemilatticeVertex`): vertex in the second semilattice from which to start the iteration. iter_attribute (str): attribute of :class:`SemilatticeVertex` to iterate through. Default is ``children``. Alternative can be ``parents``, to iterate upward towards the root. """ def __init__( self, graph1, graph2, start_vertex1=None, start_vertex2=None, iter_attribute='children'): super(DepthFirstCoupledUnionSemilatticeIterable, self).__init__( graph1, graph2, LifoQueue, start_vertex1, start_vertex2, iter_attribute)
[docs]class LevelsIterable( object ): r""" Iterable over the semilattice vertices by level. Args: sl (:class:`Semilattice`): semilattice to iterate through. start_level (int): level from which to start. """ def __init__(self, sl, start_level=0, iter_attribute='_l1_vertices_partition'): self._attr = getattr(sl,iter_attribute) self._start_level = start_level def __iter__(self): return chain.from_iterable( vertices for lvl, vertices in self._attr.items() \ if lvl >= self._start_level )
# return itertools.chain( # *self._attr[self._start_level:] ) #chain.from_iterable? #
[docs]class ParentsPowersetIterable( object ): r""" Iterable over the vertices that are the ancestors defined by the powerset of the parent directions of v. This set of vertices forms a lattice, or 'hypercube' of vertices. A sign, indicating that a vertex visited is either an even or odd number of levels away from the original vertex v is also returned. Args: v (:class:`CoordinateVertex`): vertex for which to iterate through parents powerset """ def __init__(self, v): self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q = Queue() self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q.put((v, list(v.parents.keys()), -1)) def __iter__(self): return ParentsPowersetIterator( self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q) """ powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3) #In the future want an efficeint implementation """
class ParentsPowersetIterator( object): #DOCUMENT THIS, takes a queue of tuples (vertex, dims_list, sign) def __init__(self, vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q): self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q = vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q def next(self): if self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q.empty(): raise StopIteration else: v, dims_list, sign = self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q.get() sign *= -1 while len(dims_list) > 0: self._vertex_dims_list_and_sign_q.put((v.parents[dims_list.pop()], dims_list.copy(), sign)) return v, sign def __next__(self): return